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Maple Leaf

Pilot Program

Pilot programs are limited term immigration programs designed to address the needs of specific Canadian regions and communities. The objective of such programs is to bring skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers in to address skill shortages by creating a path to permanent residence for those who want to live and work permanently in Canada.
Pilot programs are usually employer-driven and therefore, a job offer from a designated Canadian employer is one of the main requirements to apply under such programs.


This pilot is geared for individual towns and communities to address shortages in their labour market. It is similar to the PNP in that if you can get a job offer from a participating business within the community, you will receive a nomination from the local government for permanent residency. There is no skill level required, all occupation levels are eligible.




If you are a foreign skilled worker with a valid job offer from a participating business or a foreign graduate from a publicly funded post-secondary school institution in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, or Newfoundland and Labrador you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot. The pilot is scheduled to run until December 2021, and with the region’s labor force still contracting, this year is a great time to secure permanent residency in Canada through this pathway.




This pilot opens the door for unskilled and semi-skilled workers who may have struggled to find pathways to permanent residency in the past. Canada has a significant shortage in the food production industry and has thus created this avenue to address the problem. Canadian immigration will process 2,750 permanent resident applications annually for foreign farm laborers, farm supervisors, harvesters, butchers, and food processing laborers. The program works on a first come first serve basis though, so it is important to get in early.




The Home Child Care Provider Pilot makes provision for foreign workers with an offer to take care of minors such as nannies and au pairs.

The Home Support Worker Pilot makes provision for foreign workers with offers of employment for the care of elderly, disabled, or otherwise incapacitated persons. Employers do not require Labour Market Impact Assessments to hire foreign workers and two years of work experience in Canada is required to become a permanent resident.

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